Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is it finally summer time?

Finally, it must be summer because I am sweating to death!! Boy, that is definitely south GA wording!!
I am so excited that summer is here and I want to plan lots of fun things with my boys! They are at such great ages and taking everything in their little minds!! I have planned several little trips in my head, but I wanted to share with you guys some fun and exciting things to do with your kiddos!! (or just with a friend) I will try to make my "trips" budget friendly!! Let me know if you guys have some great places to visit!! I would love to hear about them!!

My mom and I are planning to take the boys to Zoo Atlanta!! We have never been there, but my cousin, Lori, says it is great!! We are just making a day trip of it!!Click here to check out their site!! You can check out their hours and rate by looking here!! Click here to see if you would be eligible for a discount!! Because of the unlimited rides and vouchers for the gift shop we have actually decided to go with the premium pass! Plus this way we don't have to worry about packing a lunch!!

If we were going to be in Atlanta for more than a day we would definitely do the City Pass!! Check it out here! Lori said they did this and it was a great deal!! It really seems like an awesome way to go!!

Maybe we will find some really cute and child friendly place for supper!! Katherine, can you throw some ideas our way....

While in Atlanta, we are planning to go to Ikea!! Click here to check out Ikea!! I am sure excited about this!! They have all kinds of decorating and organizing items!! YAY!!! I have some really crazy clutter that I will be showing you guys soon and hope to get some items at Ikea to help me with my clutter projects!!!

Let me know what you are planning this summer.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chica! I sent you an email with some restaurant suggestions. Let me know if you didn't get it.


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